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AutoCAD LT 2013 Portable

According to a 2013 interview with Ilai Rotbaein, an AutoCAD WS product manager for Autodesk, the name AutoCAD WS had no definitive meaning, and was interpreted variously as Autodesk Web Service, White Sheet or Work Space.[25] In 2013, AutoCAD WS was renamed to AutoCAD 360.[26] Later, it was renamed to AutoCAD Web App.

AutoCAD LT 2013 Portable

AutoCAD LT 2013 was available through the Mac App Store for $899.99. The full-featured version of AutoCAD 2013 for Mac, however, wasn't available through the Mac App Store due to the price limit of $999 set by Apple. AutoCAD 2014 for Mac was available for purchase from Autodesk's web site for $4,195 and AutoCAD LT 2014 for Mac for $1,200, or from an Autodesk authorized reseller.[30] The latest version available for Mac is AutoCAD 2022 as of January 2022.

My problem it's that I'm trying to run a script that converts a drawing from DWG to WMF, this scripts works perfectly in 2013 and my computer just got an OS reinstall and I have the latest AutoCAD version at my company (2019 LT). When I try to run this script it looks like the WMFOUT is not available anymore an a unknown command message is displayed. 350c69d7ab


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