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* ksi Boo A , the SIMBAD biblio (521 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2023.03.31CEST03:51:17 Sort references on where and how often the object is cited trying to find the most relevant references on this object. More on score Bibcode/DOI Score in TitleAbstractKeywords in a table in teXt, Caption, ... Nb occurence Nb objects in ref Citations(from ADS) Title First 3 Authors 1917ApJ....46..313A 227 17 The luminosities and parallaxes of five hundred stars. ADAMS W.S. and JOY A.H. 1950AJ.....55...89V 30 0 Summary of thirty Sproul parallaxes. VAN DE KAMP P. and LIPPINCOTT S. 1950AJ.....55..138J 132 4 Summary of the parallaxes of 130 stars. JENKINS L.F. 1950PASP...62...50W 19 0 Spectral anomalies in F and G dwarf stars. WEAVER H.F. 1950JO.....33....1B 296 13 Second catalogue d'orbites d'etoiles doubles visuelles. BAIZE P. 1950JO.....33..105M 240 4 Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites a Strasbourg en 1948-50. MULLER P. 1950ZA.....27..193P 71 2 Zur Masse-Leuchtkraft-Beziehung und zur empirischen Festlegung einer Skala von effektiven Temperaturen. PILOWSKI K. 1951ApJ...113..663E 93 2 Photoelectric studies. VII. Color and magnitude systems for brighter stars and the color-spectral-type relation. EGGEN O.J. 1951PASP...63....5B 27 0 Survey of the year's work at the Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories. BOWEN I.S. 1951AnAp...14...85B 298 12 Formule corrective nouvelle pour determiner a partir des estimations visuelles la difference de magnitude des composantes d'etoiles doubles. BAIZE P. 1951BAN....11..365F 204 1 Measures of double stars. FOKKER A.D. 1951JO.....34...68G 51 0 Mesures d'etoiles faites au refracteur Zeiss de 30 cm de l'Observatoire de Neuchatel. GUYOT E. 1952PASP...64...71G 22 5 Some emission-line G-type stars. GREENSTEIN J.L. 1952PASP...64..310G 23 0 High dispersion spectrophotometry of G-type stars. GREENSTEIN J.L. 1952AnAp...15...79M 64 2 Colorimetrie de 51 etoiles doubles. MULLER P. 1952JO.....35...16B 72 0 Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites a l'Observatoire de Paris. BAIZE M.P. 1952JO.....35...95M 100 1 Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites a Strasbourg en 1951. MULLER P. 1953ApJ...117..313J 477 1672 Fundamental stellar photometry for standards of spectral type on the Revised System of the Yerkes Spectral Atlas. JOHNSON H.L. and MORGAN W.W. 1953ApJ...118..459B 9 7 Line intensities in the spectra of cool carbon stars. I. R stars in the violet. BUSCOMBE W. 1953JO.....36...61M 325 2 Catalogue de 304 ephemerides d'etoiles doubles visuelles. MULLER P. 1953GCRV..C......0W 13 D 1 15125 750 General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities WILSON R.E. 1954AJ.....59..233M 164 11 The color-luminosity diagram of the Ursa Major group. MICZAIKA G.R. 1954AJ.....59..447V 24 29 Masses of visual binaries. VAN DE KAMP P. 1954ApJ...120..322S 26 9 Visual binaries for the mass-luminosity relation. STRAND K.A. and HALL R.G. 1954JO.....37...73B 352 1 Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites a l'Observatoire de Paris. BAIZE P. 1954JO.....37..125M 159 2 Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites a Strasbourg en 1952-53. MULLER P. 1955AJ.....60...65E 834 50 Magnitudes and colors for 833 Northern and Southern stars. EGGEN O.J. 1955AJ.....60..379L 21 18 The astrometric binary, Ross 614A, B, -visual resolution and masses of the components. LIPPINCOTT S.L. 1955AJ.....60..401E 333 11 The color-luminosity array for stars near the Sun. EGGEN O.J. 1955ApJ...121..337S 65 14 Spectrographic observations of visual double stars. STRUVE O. and FRANKLIN K. 1955JO.....38..106L 58 0 Mesures micrometriques d'etoiles doubles. LUPLAU-JANSSEN L.C. 1955ZA.....36..230P 20 3 Gestorte Multipletts in Sternatmospharen. PRIESTER W. 1956AJ.....61..405E 228 22 The nearest visual binaries. EGGEN O.J. 1957AJ.....62..205K 274 170 Red and infrared magnitudes for 282 stars with known trigonometric parallaxes. KRON G.E., GASCOIGNE S.C.B. and WHITE H.S. 1957ApJ...125..661W 184 374 H and K emission in late-type stars: dependance if line width on luminosity and related topics. WILSON O.C. and BAPPU M.K.V. 1957ApJ...126...46W 16 12 H-eps emission in late-type stars. WILSON O.C. 1957ApJ...126..113J 228 39 Three-color photometry of nearby stars. JOHNSON H.L. and KNUCKLES C.F. 1957ApJ...126..509O 99 14 Determination of spectroscopic absolute magnitude for late-type stars. OKE J.B. 1957JO.....40...57B 69 3 Determination de la masse hypothetique et calcul de la parallaxe dynamique d'un couple dont le type spectral est inconnu. BAIZE P. 1957JO.....40..165B 461 7 Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites a l'Observatoire de Paris. BAIZE P. 1958AJ.....63..324P 170 4 The visual magnitudes of double stars. PETTIT E. 1958ApJ...128..604H 136 27 Some theoretical aspects of H and K emission in late-type stars. HOYLE F. and WILSON O.C. 1958JO.....41...31C 149 0 Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites a l'equatorial de 215mm de l'Observatoire de la Societe Astronomique de France. CLOUET B. and SAGOT R. 1959AJ.....64..219S 80 5 Radial velocity measurements of some visual double stars. STRUVE O. and ZEBERGS V. 1959JO.....42...92E 9 0 Mesures micrometriques d'etoiles doubles en 1955. ELIAS D.P. 1960MNRAS.120..287G 715 120 Photoelectric measurements of the lambda 4200 A CN band and the G band in G8-K5 spectra. GRIFFIN R.F. and REDMAN R.O. 1960MNRAS.120..317L 56 8 Preliminary list of radial velocities for 33 stars nearer than 20 pc. LEATON B.R. and PAGEL B.E.J. 1960MNRAS.121...52D 542 38 The Magnesium b lines in late-type stars. DEEMING T.J. 1961AJ.....66..418G 147 1 Mean densities of visual binary stars. GIANNUZZI M.A. and BIANCO L. 1961ApJ...134..347O 7 8 420 The heating of the solar chromosphere, plages, and corona by magneto hydrodynamic waves. OSTERBROCK D.E. 1961MNRAS.122..181G 113 27 Photoeletric measurements of the 5250 A FeI triplet and the D lines in G and K stars. GRIFFIN R.F. 1962AJ.....67..141V 256 4 Micrometer measures of double stars. VAN DEN BOS W.H. 1962AJ.....67..757Y 394 19 Relationship between CN anomaly and U, V, W components of space velocity. YOSS K.M. 1962ApJ...136..793W 129 37 Relationship between colors and spectra of late main-sequence stars. WILSON O.C. 1963ApJS....8..125E 85 63 The empirical mass-luminosity relation. EGGEN O.J. 1963MNRAS.125..557A 300 55 UBV photometry of 300 G and K type stars. ARGUE A.N. 1963PASP...75...62W 3 7 Lithium in a main sequence star. WILSON O.C. 1964AJ.....69..762G 83 4 Photographic measures of doubles stars. GASTEYER C. and EICHHORN H. 1964ApJ...140..235K 154 63 The width of H-alpha as a discriminant of luminosity in the spectra of late-type stars. KRAFT R.P., PRESTON G.W. and WOLFF S.C. 1964ApJ...140..702H 16 40 Apparent Li isotope ratios in F5-G8 dwarfs. HERBIG G.H. 1964MNRAS.128..435P 586 19 H-alpha photometry of late-type stars. I. F, G, and K type stars North of the equator. PEAT D.W. 1964MNRAS.128..475P 288 11 Photometry of the orange-red Ca I triplet in late-type stars. PEAT D.W. 1964MNRAS.128..499B 78 7 Luminosity classification of G-type stars. BUSCOMBE W. and DICKENS C.R. 1964PASP...76..139B 38 7 Red and infrared photometry of double stars. BRECKINRIDGE J.B. and KRON G.E. 1964PASP...76..238W 8 15 Chromospheric activity and Lithium. WILSON O.C. 1964JO.....47....1B 382 5 Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites au 38cm de l'Observatoire de Paris. BAIZE P. 1965AJ.....70...19E 223 86 Masses, luminosities, colors, and space motions of 228 visual binaries. EGGEN O.J. 1965AJ.....70..353V 206 39 Photoelectric spectrophotometry of stars. II. VAN DEN BERGH S. and SACKMANN I.J. 1965ApJ...141..588H 98 204 Lithium abundances in F5-G8 dwarfs. HERBIG G.H. 1965MmSAI..36..215C 118 7 La relazione empirica massa-luminosita per le stelle doppie visuali. CESTER B. 1966ApJ...144.1101M 120 23 Narrow-band photometry of F5-K5 stars. MINER E.D. 1966MNRAS.133...99S 621 16 Photoelectric observations of Fe I lines in late-type stellar spectra. SCARFE C.D. 1966MNRAS.133..449P 219 10 Narrow band photoelectric H-alpha photometry in late-type stars. PRICE M.J. 1966MNRAS.134..135P 448 25 Narrow band photometry in the study of stellar populations. PRICE M.J. 1966AnAp...29..601S 129 28 Methode quantitative de classification tri-dimensionnelle d'etoiles froides; applications. SPITE F. 1967ApJ...148..105C 102 89 Neutral Oxygen in late-type stars. CONTI P.S., GREENSTEIN J.L., SPINRAD H., et al. 1967ApJ...149..317G 35 58 Photometric determination of stellar radii. GRAY D.F. 1967PASP...79...46W 66 41 Distance of the Hyades and correlation between luminosity and Ca II emission-line widths. WILSON O.C. 1967JO.....50....7B 363 1 Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites au 38cm de l'Observatoire de Paris. BAIZE P. 1968AJ.....73...14L 64 9 Photoelectric K-line spectral classification. LOCKWOOD G.W. 1968AJ.....73..781V 84 13 Summary of 133 parallaxes determined with the 24-inch refractor of the Sproul Observatory. VAN DE KAMP P. and LIPPINCOTT S.L. 1968ApJ...151..589L 15 42 Photoelectric spectrophotometric observations of the emission component of the Ca II K-line in late-type stars. LILLER W. 1968ApJ...152..123V 85 52 The He line lambda 10830 A in late-type stars. VAUGHAN A.H.J. and ZIRIN H. 1968ApJ...153..213J 116 11 The spectral-energy curves of subdwarfs. JOHNSON H.L. and MITCHELL R.I. 1968PASP...80..717Y 409 9 The effect of metal abundance on K-line absolute magnitudes. YOSS K.M. and LUTZ T.E. 1968AnAp...31..413R 72 16 Les relations type spectral, temperature effective et couleurs (teneur en metaux ou microturbulence) pour les etoiles de O.C. Wilson de type spectral G5 a K3. ROUSSEAU J. 1968BAICz..19..223S 23 9 On the perturbations of comets by nearby stars. SEKANINA Z. 1969AJ.....74..764W 133 18 Photometric determinations of magnitude differences for visual binaries. WORLEY C.E. 1969ApJ...155..899S 227 34 Six-color photometry of stars. XII. Colors of Hyades and subdwarf stars. SEARS R.L. and WHITFORD A.E. 1969PASP...81..657S 51 16 An investigation of the NH bands in stellar spectra. SCHMITT J.L. 1970A&A.....7..408C 123 53 Sodium in late-type stars. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., CHAUVE-GODARD J., HERNANDEZ G., et al. 1970A&AS....1..199H 643 16 Narrow-band photometry of late-type stars. HAGGKVIST L. and OJA T. 1970AJ.....75.1007L 1 5 33 Measurement of K-line absolute magnitudes. LUTZ T.E. 1970ApJS...22..177T 285 81 Scanner abundance studies. II. Late G and K dwarfs in the solar neighborhood. TAYLOR B.J. 1970MNRAS.147..303G 312 7 The intensity of Sc I (6305 A) in late stars. GRIFFIN R.F. 1971AJ.....76...40J 31 4 The Wilson-Bappu technique applied to moderate-dispersion spectrograms. JENNINGS M.C. and DYCK H.M. 1971AJ.....76..117U 29 6 Calibration of the zero-age main sequence via G8-K3 stars of large parallax. UPTON E.K.L. 1971AJ.....76..890M 92 6 Photometry of main-sequence stars in the Hyades an the field on the BVR system. MANNERY E.J. and WALLERSTEIN G. 1971PASP...83..488L 32 18 UBV observations of visual double stars. LUTZ T.E. 1972A&AS....6..147B 440 16 Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites a l'equatorial de 38 cm de l'Observatoire de Paris. BAIZE P. 1972ApJ...171...71C 17 23 The Lithium isotope ratio in F and G field stars. COHEN J.G. 1972SvA....15..573D 21 0 Emission of magnetosonic waves by planets and binary stars revolving in circular orbits. DOKUCHAEV V.P. 1973A&AS...10..201F 150 20 Ten-color intermediate-band photometry of stars. FABER S.M. 1974A&AS...15..215O 399 17 On the relationship between the apparent magnitudes given in several catalogues and the UBV system. OCHSENBEIN F. 1974AJ.....79...34K 331 16 Blue CN-absorption measurements of close binary stars. KOCH R.H. 1974ApJ...188..567B 9 31 Measurements of magnetic fields in young main-sequence stars. BOESGAARD A.M. 1974ApJS...27..391O 27 43 Strong-line K stars. I. Photometry. OINAS V. 1974ApJS...27..405O 25 63 Strong-line K stars. II. Chemical abundances. OINAS V. 1975A&AS...21...51T 95 7 Photographic measurements of double stars. THE P.S. 1975AJ.....80.1011H 1434 53 Classification of 831 two-micron sky survey sources south of +5 degrees. HANSEN O.L. and BLANCO V.M. 1975ApJ...199..710B 34 25 Studies of heavy-element synthesis in the galaxy. II. A survey of e, r and s process abundances. BUTCHER H.R. 1975ApJ...202L..67M 32 113 Detection of X-ray emission from stellar coronae with ANS. MEWE R., HEISE J., GRONENSCHILD E.H.B.M., et al. 1975ApJS...29..161J 157 169 Cyanogen strengths, luminosities, and kinematics of K giant stars. JANES K.A. 1975PASP...87..353B 69 T 1 3 15 Magnetic field measurements in xi Bootis A. BOESGAARD A.M., CHESLEY D. and PRESTON G.W. 1976A&AS...23..393B 543 9 Space distribution and kinematics of intermediate population 2 stars. Part I photometry and spectroscopy in selected McCormick proper motion fields. BLAAUW A., TOLBERT C.R., WEST R.M., et al. 1976ApJ...208..414Z 189 77 Further observations of the lambda 10830 He line in stars and their significance as a measure of stellar activity. ZIRIN H. 1976IBVS.1201....1P 4 2 HS Aurigae. POPPER D.M. 1976IzKry..54...89C 1 11 76 On the existence of variable stars similar to BY Dra with the masses of the order of Solar mass. CHUGAINOV P.F. 1976IzKry..55...85C 9 12 Observational evidences of the young age of three BY Dra-type stars. CHUGAINOV P.F. 1976IzKry..55..127B 468 2 Abundances of lithium in stellar atmospheres. BOYARCHUK M.E. 1977A&A....54..779P 141 133 Fine structure of the H-R diagram for 138 stars in the solar neighbourhood. PERRIN M.N., HEJLESEN P.M., CAYREL DE STROBEL G., et al. 1977A&AS...27..267G 234 0 Kinematical data of two samples of late-type stars. GRENIER S., HECK A. and JUNG J. 1977A&AS...29..195D 182 14 Recalibration and analysis of Spite's method of quantitative three-dimensional classification for the F8-K1 stars. DA SILVA L. and GRENIER S. 1977AJ.....82..179H 8 10 Parallaxes mass ratios, and masses for six visual binaries. HERSHEY J.L. 1977AJ.....82..832Y 266 22 Accuracy of two-dimensional spectral classes derived through DDO photometry. YOSS K.M. 1977ApJ...215..176S 49 36 Emission lines in the wings of CaII H and K. II. Stellar observations, dependence of line width on luminosity and related topics. STENCEL R.E. 1978A&A....70..399E 27 14 The Ca II line width in late type stars. The Wilson-Bappu effect. ENGVOLD O. and RYGH B.O. 1978AJ.....83..411J 632 7 Photographic measures of double stars. II. JEFFERS H.M. and VASILEVSKIS S. 1978AJ.....83.1430C 86 14 A new method for metal-abundance determination in late-type stars. CAMPBELL B. 1978ApJ...222..191E 207 34 Intermediate band photometry of late-type stars. VI. Main sequence stars near the sun. EGGEN O.J. 1978ApJ...226..379W 89 441 Chromospheric variations in main-sequence stars. WILSON O.C. 1978PASP...90..267V 62 189 Flux measurements of Ca II H and K emission. VAUGHAN A.H., PRESTON G.W. and WILSON O.C. 1978PASP...90..288M 159 54 Binary stars unresolved by speckle interferometry. McALISTER H.A. 1978PASP...90..429L 158 25 Spectral types in the Ursa Major stream. LEVATO H. and ABT H.A. 1978IzKry..58...81B 19 2 Spectral classification, the method of the search for the cool companions of spectroscopic binaries in the near infrared. BYCHKOV V.D., VITRICHENKO E.A. and SHCHERBAKOV A.G. 1979A&A....71...14C 32 13 Ca II emission from stellar chromospheres. CRAM L.E., KRIKORIAN R. and JEFFERIES J.T. 1979ApJ...229L..27L 2 21 291 Outer atmospheres of cool stars. I. The sharp division into solar-type and non-solar-type stars. LINSKY J.L. and HAISCH B.M. 1979ApJ...229..700K 1 14 105 Stellar model chromospheres. IX. Chromospheric activity in dwarf stars. KELCH W.L., LINSKY J.L. and WORDEN S.P. 1979ApJ...233L..69H 3 3 56 Chromospheres of the active dwarf binaries EQ Pegasi and xi Bootis. HARTMANN L., DAVIS R., DUPREE A.K., et al. 1979ApJ...233..211C 102 206 Subdwarf ultraviolet excesses and metal abundances. CARNEY B.W. 1979ApJ...234..993C 16 19 The RS Canum Venaticorum system BD +61 1211 = 2A 1052+606. CRAMPTON D., DOBIAS J. and MARGON B. 1979ApJ...234.1023B 56 88 Outer atmospheres of cool stars. II. Mg II flux profiles and chromospheric radiative loss rates. BASRI G.S. and LINSKY J.L. 1979ApJS...41...47L 42 199 Stellar model chromospheres. X. High-resolution, absolute flux profiles of the Ca II H and K lines in stars of spectral types F0-M2. LINSKY J.L., WORDEN S.P., McCLINTOCK W., et al. 1979ApJS...41...97D 72 71 A photometric investigation of RV Tauri and yellow semiregular variables. DAWSON D.W. 1979ApJS...41..481L 51 70 Stellar model chromospheres. XI. A survey of Ca II lam 8542 line profiles in late-type stars of differing chromospheric activity. LINSKY J.L., HUNTEN D.M., SOWELL R., et al. 1979PASP...91..553S 862 44 Three-dimensional motion of dwarf stars and RR Lyrae variables. SAIO H. and YOSHII Y. 1979PASP...91..678K 37 2 Photographic measures of double stars. KAMPER K.W. 1979PASP...91..698B 204 36 Radial- velocity standard stars. BEAVERS W.I., EITTER J.J., KETELSEN D.A., et al. 1979JBAA...89..485M 52 0 The eccentricity of the apparent orbit of a binary star. MEEUS J. 1979S&T....57..438P 16 1 IUE., the search for a lukewarm corona. PASACHOFF J.M., LINSKY J.L., HAISCH B.M., et al. 1979VKha..190...52Z 334 5 Nearest stars. ZAKHOZHAJ V.A. 1980A&AS...41..405C 530 74 A catalogue of Fe/H determinations. CAYREL DE STROBEL G., BENTOLILA C., HAUCK B., et al. 1980ApJ...236L.137W 24 25 HEAO 1 observations of active coronae in main-sequence and subgiant stars. WALTER F.M., LINSKY J.L., BOWYER S., et al. 1980ApJ...236L.155R 4 6 124 Observations of magnetic fields on two late-type dwarf stars. ROBINSON R.D., WORDEN S.P. and HARVEY J.W. 1980ApJ...242L..37S 11 30 Rotational modulation of chromospheric variations of main-sequence stars. STIMETS R.W. and GILES R.H. 1980AcA....30..285G 69 7 Analysis of shapes of Ca II and Mg II emission cores in late type stars. GLEBOCKI R. and STAWIKOWSKI A. 1980AcA....30..323R 3 6 Variability of xi Boo A+B in 1955 to 1966. RUCINSKI S.M. 1980AcA....30..453G 1320 13 Catalogue of stars with CA II H and K emissions. GLEBOCKI R., MUSIELAK G. and STAWIKOWSKI A. 1981A&A....93...20M 10 6 Sunspot chromospheres and their relation to the chromospheres of late main sequence stars. MATTIG W. and KNEER F. 1981A&A...104..240S 19 11 Transition region structure in F dwarfs. SAXNER M. 1981A&AS...46..193H 85 116 Empirical bolometric corrections for the main-sequence. HABETS G.M.H.J. and HEINTZE J.R.W. 1981ApJ...245L..71B 16 7 Possible radio flaring activity on a late-type giant star, alpha Ceti. BOICE D.C., KUHN J.R., ROBINSON R.D., et al. 1981ApJ...245..624M 72 T 2 31 The magnetic field on the late-type dwarf xi* Bootis A. MARCY G.W. 1981ApJ...245..677W 1 19 143 On the coronae of rapidly rotating stars. II. A period-activity relation in G stars. WALTER F.M. 1981ApJ...246..502G 19 39 Stellar model chromospheres. XII. High-resolution, absolute flux profiles of the CaII H and K lines in dMe and non-dMe stars. GIAMPAPA M.S., WORDEN S.P., SCHNEEBERGER T.J., et al. 1981ApJ...246..899B 33 81 A search for weak longitudinal magnetic fields on late-type stars. BROWN D.N. and LANDSTREET J.D. 1981ApJ...247..545A 1 30 237 Outer atmospheres of cool stars. IX. A survey of ultraviolet emission from F-K dwarfs and giants with the IUE. AYRES T.R., MARSTAD N.C. and LINSKY J.L. 1981ApJ...250..284G 2 7 77 First detection of nonflare microwave emission from the coronae of single late-type dwarf stars. GARY D.E. and LINSKY J.L. 1981ApJS...45..437A 881 87 Visual multiples. VII. MK classifications. ABT H.A. 1981MNRAS.194..829D 15 22 Lithium in flare stars. DE LA REZA R., TORRES C.A.O. and BUSKO I.C. 1981AcA....31...51B 10 1 Waves in stellar atmospheres. I. Heating of upper photosphere by short period acoustic waves. BIELICZ E., MUSIELAK Z. and SIKORSKI J. 1981AcA....31..163R 7 2 The rotational profile of II Pegasi (HD 224085). RUCINSKI S.M. and STANIUCHA M.S. 1981IzKry..64...13B 69 T 1 3 0 Spectrophotometric investigation of the lithium star xi Boo A. BOYARCHUK A.A. and EGLITIS I. 1982A&A...110...30O 30 53 Magnetic structure in cool stars. V. Chronospheric and transition-region emission from giants. ORANJE


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